The Couple

" Valkyrie Klynn and Valkyrie Catherine" both born on November 09' 1986.
both born to parents of the Scottish Clans chieftains Asst.
 (vcm)Perry and Marie Maclaomainn and (vkm)John and Nancy Macgreger.
Named Valkyrie at birth, VKM;s Parents were kille din an automobile
accident weeks after vkm's 2nd birthday. Vcm's Family took her in as their own
raising her as VCM's twin sister due to their rare natural eye colors,
which both wear tented contacts for carreer reasons.
If little is known about the "twins"
It seems because they work hard with Vogue Executives
to keep it that way.Their stardom is well known but after being taken under
Alexandra Shulman's wings,information became speculation. they both are open
about their carreers and genuienly honest.The use of "pin" is not a new concept.
but these two elussive Ladies seem to not care for the Fame their mentor
(Alexandra Shulman) had thrust apon them.Using varied Names from differant
cultures works well but being Native scottish Gaelic(gd) speaking has
offered little in concealing thier thick Scottish Accents.
both have a working grasp on broken English and as of late,more
and more information is being offered about the "Twins" by their Editors
and various resources.

<= VCM /Vkm in the french Riviera mths after VCM's almost terminal Heart Failure.

VCM-VKM etc, posing for a 2012 Victorian Secrets Showcase Add. SIGNED to an anonymous person, yet unknown.
 Signing in english reads "Friends are so rare,something we all wish for but seldom Expect. Thank you for this Gift. VCM"

* any knowledge to this persons Identity is rewarded pending verification.

VCM (aka) Catherine. with VKM (aka) unknown as yet.

above, VCM to right,VKM to left, most resent known Photo, mixed photo done by "unknown"

1 comment:

  1. VCM and VKM are a recognized couple.though not called Marriage in the traditional sense to these ladies, they are married just the same.!


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